Letter from the President: October 2023
Dear Members,
“October is crisp days and cool nights, a time to curl up around the dancing flames and sink into a good book.” – John Sinor
Hello October, and Goodbye September! Please be a good month that brings smiles and happiness to our lives. October is the month that sees beautiful colored trees and a carpet of fallen leaves. Here’s to an exciting, joyful, enjoyable, peaceful, and blessed month.
On September 13th, it was very nice to see many of you and welcome new members at our monthly coffee morning – a good start of the new Club year! I would like to thank each of you for her contribution, enthusiasm and time.
Just to remind you that Club registration goes from September to June. If you have not yet renowned your registration for 2023/24, please do it , otherwise you won’t receive the bulletin and won’t be able to attend coffee mornings and activities. Members – without registration -are allowed to attend coffee mornings only once during the annual calendar. This year it is much easier to register online, please check our website, membership: https://www.comointernationalclub.it/application_form/ Please feel free to contact us, if you have any problem. We will be happy to assist you.
This October’s calendar is full of many events from culture, art, food and lifestyle. In addition to the bulletin, this year we have many last minute events published in Telegram, CIC events on Lake Como. If you have not download Telegram yet, I invite you to do so, in order to be updated with all the events.
Our monthly aperitivo, open to partners and non-members, will be held on October 28th at 18.00 – Spazio Anagramma, Largo Alfredo Campanini 1, 22012 Cernobbio. I particularly like and share the philosophy of this Bar&Bistrot to employ people who are “diversamente abili”. The cost is 15 euro per person, including a glass of prosecco or alcohol free drink and some tasty snacks. Don’t miss it. It is a good occasion to socialize, connect with new people and start new friendships. Please RSVP by October 23th to me, email: paolalovisettiscamihorn@gmail.com, cell 349 39 84 806.
I look forward to seeing many of you on October 4th, at our monthly coffee morning at the Yacht Club Como, via Puecher 8, 22100 Como at 10.00.
Warm regards,
