Letter from the President: November 2023
Dear Members, “That soft autumnal time, the woodland foliage now is gathered by the wild November blast.” –John Howard Bryant
November is packed with an abundance of special days of awareness and observances to celebrate. November is the month of gratitude. Gratitude is more than simply saying “thank you.” Gratitude’s amazing powers have the ability to shift us from focusing on the negative to appreciating what is positive in our lives.
I am grateful of many things: one of those is that I am the President of this nice group of ladies from all over the world that, with their diversities, makes the CIC a unique and amazing place to socialize and have fun! All continents are now represented, regardless of age, nationality, race and religion. Thank you ladies!
This November’s calendar is full of many events from culture, art, food and lifestyle. In addition to the bulletin, this year we have many last minute events published in Telegram, CIC events on Lake Como. I invite you to check it out for updates on all the events, so you will not miss them.
I would like to remind you that the November coffee morning is your last chance to pay cash for the annual club registration. Club registration goes from September to June. If you have not yet renewed your registration for 2023/24, please do so, otherwise you will no longer receive the bulletin and will not be able to attend coffee mornings and activities. Unregistered ladies are allowed to attend coffee mornings only once during the annual calendar. This year it is much easier to register online, please check our website, membership: https://www.comointernationalclub.it/application_form/ or contact any board member for assistance.
This November the monthly networking aperitivo will be replaced by a festive Christmas party on December 1st at 7.30 pm. It will take place at the Sala Bianca of Teatro Sociale in Como. The cost is 40 euro/person for members and your partners. Friends of members are welcome too; the cost for non-members is 60 euro. Good food, tasty wine, live music and a lot of fun will be the “ingredients” of the evening. You can reserve your place by cash pre-payment ONLY at the November coffee morning (Nov. 8th) with ELISA ASPESI or by bank transfer and email (kindly attach proof of payment) to PAOLA LOVISETTI
email paolalovisettiscamihorn@gmail.com BANK INFO: Paola Lovisetti
IBAN IT06X0538710905000047523778 – SWIFT BPMOIT22XXX
Please indicate your surname and name. Bank transfer reason: Reimbursement Xmas party 2023.
I look forward to seeing you all at the November coffee morning on November 8th, at 10 am at the Yacht Club in Como.
Warm regards,
