Letter from the President: May 2024
Dear Ladies,
“ The month of May is the gateway of summer.” – John Harsay
In Italy May begins with a public holiday – May 1st, based on an important anniversary: the Festa dei Lavoratori, the International Workers’ Day, an important day created in honor and defense of laborers. This festivity was born with the aim of remembering workers and trading unions who fought to guarantee to the labor force equal rights and benefits. This public holiday inaugurates the beginning of May and the weather is usually quite warm, therefore, it is often an opportunity for Italians to take some days off and go somewhere.
Let’s celebrate this gorgeous month! The club’s May calendar is rich in many interesting events, we will keep you busy! May is the last complete month before the Club’s summer holidays that will start around middle of June. The Club calendar follows the school calendar: from September to June.
May is also the month to celebrates mothers: Mother’s Day recognizes mothers, motherhood and maternal bonds in general, as well as their positive contributions to their families and society. It is annually celebrated on the second Sunday of May, May 12th this year. We celebrate on May 13th at lunch in a beautiful location just outside town. Please check the bulletin for details and reservation. It will be a nice opportunity to meet and socialize.
On June 8th we will have our traditional Summer Evening Party to have a final hug before the summer break, exchanging fond wishes for the best summer holidays ahead of us. It will take place at a typical Italian countryside restaurant with a large garden just a few kilometers from Como – Il Fienile, via Fornaciai 16, 20836 Briosco (close to Inverigo). We will have a tasty buffet dinner, DJ set, and the main ingredient will be fun. The theme of the party will be the 60’s-70’s style, one of my favorite Italian ones: La Dolce Vita. The party is sponsored partially by the club; the contribution per person is 40 euro for members and partners, 75 euro for friends who are not part of the Club. I strongly invite you to pay for the contribution in cash to Elisa Aspesi at the coffee morning on May 8th
After that you can pay via bank transfer BANK INFO: Paola Lovisetti
IBAN IT06X0538710905000047523778 – SWIFT BPMOIT22XXX
In case you do a bank transfer from abroad, not EU countries, be sure to pay the bank transfer expenses. Please indicate your name and reimbursement of dinner’s cost on 08/6 at Il Fienile. The sooner you book the better. SPACE IS LIMITED! I look forward to seeing many of you there. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE!
I look forward to seeing you at our next Coffee Morning on May 8th, at the Giulietta al Lago Cafè (Villa Geno).
Warm regards,
